IASWG Madrid Symposium Presentations 

Please scroll down to view symposium presentation descriptions or download our printable session schedulePlease email Emily at [email protected] with any questions. 

Learn more about and register for Tuesday's GroupoLab Pre-symposium Institute (workshops in Spanish).

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Session 1 // 30-minute Presentations – Wednesday, 15:00 to 15:30 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM
OFFBEAT: Drumming as a Therapeutic Activity with Groups
Kyle McGee, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (USA)
The art of drumming is an ancient practice currently impacting rehabilitation and social services programs in surprising ways. Drumming exercises help with coordination and cognition as well as the development of a sense of unity among members. Workshop participants will have an interactive experience that demonstrates both the healing capacities of drumming and its congruence with group work principles, theoretical foundations and applicability for practice.

2 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM
This Bracket is a Win-Win: The Integration of an Innovative Sports Group Therapy Model into a Milieu Based Program for Children with Trauma Exposure
Catherine Corto-Mergins, The Village for Families and Children, Hartford, CT (USA)
The high rates of trauma among BIPOC children living in urban environments create a significant mental health burden for this vulnerable population. This presentation will give an overview of the development of an innovative trauma informed sports-based group therapy program for children within an existing milieu-based treatment program. 

3 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM
Impacto financiero del Covid en mujeres en el sur de Chile. Método de análisis grupal, para un enfoque empático en la investigación
Soraya Espinoza, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Los Lagos (Chile)
En esta sesión se centrará en la exploración de una metodología de análisis grupal para la investigación sobre el impacto financiero en mujeres y familias en el sur de Chile. A partir del estudio en curso, se presentará la metodología, el marco teórico feminista que permita revelar desigualdades de género. Se presentarán los resultados preliminares integrando las perspectivas teóricas y prácticas.

4 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM

The Significance of Peer Support in Internships
Alexis Howard, NYC Administration for Children's Services, New York, NY (USA)
This presentation will describe findings from a qualitative study on the experiences of transfer of learning for social work professionals in a public child welfare organizational setting. While they were social work interns, group supervision was one supervisory modality to advance their social work practice skills, promote transfer of learning, and increase their awareness of social justice principles.

5 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM

Navigating Equality: Empowering Interventions and Unpacking Power Dynamics in Queer Youth Therapy Groups
Eric Spindelman, SunServe, Wilton Manors, FL (USA)
Michelle Santos, SunServe, Wilton Manors, FL (USA)

This dynamic session delves into critical queer theory, feminist perspectives, and intersectionality to equip mental health professionals with practical tools. Learn to implement empowering interventions and navigate power dynamics, creating affirming spaces for queer youth. Engage in interactive activities and discussions to bridge theory with innovative practices. Leave with the knowledge and skills to foster resilience and inclusivity within therapy groups.

6 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM

Evaluación de un programa grupal socio-terapéutico de mujeres con cáncer
Francisco-Xabier Aguiar Fernández, University of Vigo, Ourense (Spain)
Evelia Murcia Alvarez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Ourense (Spain)
Se presenta la evaluación del diseño, implementación y beneficios socio-terepéuticos de un programa grupal de mujeres operadas de cáncer realizado por una ONG especializada en la atención a personas con cáncer y sus familias en Galicia (España). Se analizaron 14 grupos de similares características adoptando un diseño descriptivo de carácter etnográfico triangulando las técnicas de análisis y las fuentes de recogida de datos.

7 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM

From the Unknown to the Willingness to Try: A Reflection on the Experience of Working with Different Training Groups (TRAINING TRACK)
Zaneta Serksniene, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Lina Bartuseviciene, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)

In Lithuania, there is limited experience in applying group work methods when working with children. Due to the lack of experience, many social work practitioners do not lead groups or are unsure of the best approach. Through conducting and analyzing the experience of four training groups, this presentation will discuss various principles and practices that helped empower the practitioners in training to be successful while facilitating the groups.

8 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM

CBPAR Autoethnography on Group Intervention Process (RESEARCH TRACK)
Gio Iacono, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Emily Loveland, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Spencer Evens, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Leah Holle, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Cindy Pan, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)

Tyler Haggerty, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
This session covers the importance of community-based participatory research with LGBTQIA+ youth and offers best practices to improve rigor in group intervention settings. Additionally, a collaborative autoethnographic approach (CAE) is explored, including the benefits of using this research approach to practice reflexivity in pursuit of social justice.

9 Wednesday, 3:00PM - 3:30PM

Incorporar la perspectiva ecosocial en la enseñanza de Trabajo Social de grupo mediante la metodología de simulación
Belén Parra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Nuria Prat Bau, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Toni Sangrá Boladeres, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
La sesión presentará la experiencia educativa llevada a cabo en la asignatura Trabajo Social de grupo de la Universidad de Barcelona (España) con la finalidad de incorporar en el alumnado de Trabajo Social la perspectiva ecosocial. Esta experiencia se ha llevado a cabo con 125 estudiantes de segundo curso. Se ha utilizado un enfoque experiencial y la técnica de simulación en grupo para la incorporación de la competencia ecosocial.


Session 2 // 30-minute Presentations – Wednesday, 15:40 to 16:10 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM
The Art of Using Mindfulness to Engage and Retain Youth in Substance Use Treatment Groups
Ariel Botta, Boston Children’s Hospital, Cambridge, MA (USA)
Young adults are especially vulnerable to substance use, including the risk of developing a Substance Use Disorder. Furthermore, engagement and retention are the biggest barriers to youth receiving substance use treatment. And, we know that one of the most widely used, effective and efficient modalities for engaging and retaining youth in substance use treatment is group work. Come and learn the art of using mindfulness to create non-judgmental group cultures in which youth can heal.

2 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

(EN>SP) Breaking Barriers through Cultivating Broader Networks of Support: Building Mutual Aid with University Volunteers, Family, and Caregivers of Adult Basketball Players with IDD (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Samuel R. Benbow, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)
Dorlisa J. Minnick, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)

Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) face significant challenges in rural communities accessing social interaction with others that are not connected to the provision of formal social services. The Inclusive Basketball program, created as a university-community partnership in 2007, provides drop-in opportunities for non-hierarchical socialization between members with IDD and university volunteers. The workshop identifies and examines mutual aid processes of the “second” group and processes of mutual aid political projects. 

3 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Stepping Stones: The Use of Letter Writing Group Work to Address Loneliness and Social Isolation
Jennifer Frank, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)
Dawn Watson, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)

Pervasive social isolation and loneliness are social injustices with deadly consequences. This presentation will share the results of a 12-month letter writing exchange between groups of MSW students and community members. Letter writing offers a low-cost, low-tech, and high impact intervention that agencies may find useful with a variety of groups, particularly those at higher risk for loneliness and social isolation. This interactive presentation will share research findings and tips for application with community groups.

4 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Helping Parents when their Adolescents are Facing Difficulties: Finding Solutions through Groups
Jorūnė Vyšniauskytė Rimkienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Daiva Matulevičiūtė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution, Kaunas (Lithuania)

Over the last few years, parents in Lithuania have experienced a change of issues with their families after the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. There has been an increase concern about children's mental health, suicidal  thoughts, prolonged absenteeism from school, the use of psychotropic substances, self-harm. This presentation will showcase four years of findings from the experience and positive outcomes of parents who attended support groups at a local NGO.

5 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Apoyo social e intervención social en la enfermedad de Crohn (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
María José de Dios Duarte, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain)
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Ana Barrón López de Roda, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)

En este trabajo se plantea la incorporación de los trabajadorxs sociales en los equipos de salud para llevar a cabo intervenciones en grupo. Se basa en una investigación empírica (estudio de doble caso-control) que hemos realizado. Los resultados preliminares indican que las personas con enfermedad de Crohn en fase de remisión de la enfermedad tienen una percepción mayor de apoyo social y también mayor satisfacción con el apoyo social recibido que el resto.

6 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Mitigating Transphobia and Enhancing Employment Opportunities Through Social Support, Group Work and Progressive Policies in Indian Higher Education Institutions
Meena Ramaswamy, Pondicherry University, Puducherry (India)
Rajeesh Viswanathan, Pondicherry University, Puducherry (India)

Byju Kanniyar Kuzhi, AMC Group of Educational Institutions, Ottapalam, Kerala (India)
Trisha Gautam Narayana, University of Toronto, Scarborough, ON (Canada)
Varsiny Rajeesh, Symbiosis International University, Hyderabad, Telangana (India)
This study examines the impact of transphobia on transgender individuals' employment opportunities and how it is mitigated by progressive policies and social acceptance. Conducted in four Indian metropolises, the study highlights the positive effect of social group work and support in mitigating transphobia and improving employment opportunities for transgender citizens. The findings underscore the need for anti-discriminatory policies and inclusive organizational culture to enhance transgender employment, thereby promoting social justice and egalitarianism.

7 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Intervention de groupe avec des femmes enceintes en situation socio-économique précaire en milieu hospitalier : Cas du Programme J9 de l'Hopital Universitaire de Mirebalais en Haiti
Gabriel Dithon, Haiti State University, Port-au-Prince, Ouest (Haiti)
Taisha Anna Melissandre St Remy, Haiti State University, Port-au-Prince, Ouest (Haiti)

Dans le cadre de cette présentation, nous aborderons l'expérience que font les femmes enceintes haïtiennes pour accéder au soin prénatal, nos interventions de groupe auprès d'elles lorsqu'elles sont inscrites au Programme J9, les différents sujets abordés avec elles, le type de groupe que nous formons et enfin, pourquoi nous le faisons.


Session 3 // 60-minute Presentations – Wednesday, 16:30 to 17:30 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

De l’isolement à la mobilisation citoyenne et politique : un groupe de mères d’enfants en situation de handicap
Pascale Lafosse, Association Nationale pour le Travail Social avec des Groupes et des interventions sociales collectives, Montrouge, (France)
Cette présentation sera l'occasion de connaître une pratique de travail social de Groupe auprès de mères dont les enfants sont en situation de handicap. Chaque participant sera invité à repérer ou revisiter dans sa propre pratique, l’adéquation réelle de sa posture face à l’avancée des personnes sur leur capacité ou non à s’investir dans la prise en charge des problèmes qui les concernent.

2 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Using Creative Arts for Multicultural Understanding: A Group Work Approach
Reineth Prinsloo, Hugenote Kollege, Wellington, Western Cape (South Africa)
Shanell Brandt, Hugenote Kollege, Wellington, Western Cape (South Africa)

This presentation proposes the integration of creative arts into group work for advancing multicultural understanding in social work practice. Utilising mediums like dance, theatre, music, and poetry, individuals can explore and express their cultural identities in a non-verbal and safe environment. Group activities promote dialogue, empathy, and self-reflection on cultural diversity. The presentation outlines how creative arts were employed in task and treatment groups to foster cross-cultural learning, empathy, and solidarity in social work practice. In addition, seven students from Hugenote Kollege in Wellington, South Africa will participate in the presentation's activities. We extend a warm welcome to the following students: Anchen April, Juanita Draai, Meresa Van Wyk, Abby Kaiser, Marene Matthee, Jenique Engelbrecht, Connelley Moiponi Soetwater.

3 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

(EN>SP) Walking Through the Fire: Social Work Groups for Sex Workers Impacted by Domestic Abuse
Carrie McManus, Sagesse, Calgary, AB (Canada)
Women involved in sex work experience high rates of abuse often from multiple perpetrators. This study examined the impacts of a novel community-based social work group program addressing the intersecting issues of sex work and abuse using a coercive control framework. This presentation will provide an overview of five years of qualitative data from 88 women and 20 peer facilitators which revealed complex histories of trauma that deeply impacted women’s capacity for healing.

4 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Group Work: The Missing Component in Equity Work with Leaders
Binita Donohue, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
This session presents a case study of a group created for the executive team of a US school district. Through didactic workshops integrated with ongoing small group experiences, the presenter led the district leaders in designing healthy and sustainable equity change that is continuing today. Participants will gain knowledge about the development of the model, learn from dynamic moments during implementation and be resourced with helpful strategies to replicate this kind of group. 

5 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Estrategias para implementar la experiencia interdisciplinaria de aprendizaje en servicio e investigación acción participativa del Instituto Universitario para Desarrollo de las Comunidades de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez (RESEARCH TRACK)
Ingrid Rodríguez Ramos, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, PR (USA)
Reinaldo Rosado, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, PR (USA)

Se presentará la última edición del kit de implementación basado en evidencia para un programa universitario de aprendizaje en servicio (AS) desde la investigación acción participativa con las comunidades desventajadas. Se destacarán los resultados de avalúo de la efectividad del programa en el desarrollo de actitudes y conocimientos, así como fidelidad con las mejores prácticas de AS. Se proporcionará acceso a manuales y se explorará como  llevar a cabo la implementación en otros centros educativos.

6 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Liderazgo en grupos interdisciplinarios: Fortalezas, retos y oportunidades para proveer servicios integrales
Hilda Rivera-Rodríguez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, PR (Puerto Rico)
Esta presentación tiene como objetivos: adquirir conocimientos sobre el propósito de grupos interdisciplinarios para proveer servicios más integrales, efectivos y eficientes; desarrollar destrezas de supervisión y liderazgo para crear y mantener grupos interdisciplinarios; y reflexionar sobre las fortalezas, retos y oportunidades en las organizaciones para estos grupos. Mediante una variedad de actividades dinámicas se promoverá un ambiente participativo para compartir modelos innovadores que puedan integrarse en su práctica profesional de trabajo social.

7 Wednesday, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Integrative Consciousness Group Work
George Jacinto, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL (USA)
Mark Smith, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)

As the world appears to be rapidly devolving into frightening divisiveness and social chaos, the importance of rediscovering our latent human capacity for collective awareness and spiritual-emotional unity becomes critical for our survival. Social group practice is uniquely positioned to provide the needed structure for helping members benefit from accessing collective integrative knowledges. In this session, participants will learn key aspects of integrative consciousness and techniques for helping groups access different consciousness realms.

8 Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Mining Companies’ Social Responsibilities Toward Communities: A Matter of Social Justice
Mamadou M. Seck, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
​Pape Djibril NDoye, Enda Sante, Dakar (Senegal)

This study explores the consequences of actions that mining companies initiate as they exploit the physical environment where communities live. The consequences of mining activities include breathing problems, death, population displacement, rural exodus, pollution, and environmental degradation. The author advocates for social workers’ involvement in designing and implementing social justice programs based on their education, training, and values by initiating emergency response policies and programs, and anticipatory and preventive measures.

Wednesday, 3:40PM - 4:10PM

Demystifying Sexual Abuse Intervention and Primary Prevention Education in a Group Setting for Preschool and Kindergarten Aged Children
Elizabeth Diaz, Elizabeth Diaz Therapy, Chicago, IL (USA)
This presentation navigates the landscape of child sexual abuse prevention, addressing systems of oppression that perpetuate child sexual abuse and introducing diverse theoretical frameworks. Attendees explore primary, secondary, and tertiary education approaches in a group setting using music, engage in interactive modules on sexual abuse education and partake in breakout groups. The session concludes with a collaborative concert, symbolizing need for the collective in protecting children and experientially learning the content like children would. 

(EN<>ES) The Beulah H. Rothman Plenary – Wednesday, 18:00 to 19:00 (Madrid, GMT +2)

This session will include our Welcoming Gathering, IASWG 2024 Honorees recognition, and Flamenco dance performance.


Thursday June 13, 2024

Session 4 // 45-minute Presentations – Thursday, 9:00 to 9:45 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Les pratiques de groupe alternatives et sensorielles afin de créer des liens auprès de personnes ayant un trouble neurocognitif hébergées en CHSLD/EHPAD
Grégory Ardiet, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Mont Laurier, QC (Canada)
Est-il possible de faire du groupe "autrement" en utilisant des pratiques alternatives et sensorielles afin de toucher des personnes âgées ayant un trouble neurocognitif avancée hébergées en CHSLD/EHPAD ? Durant cette présentation interactive, nous envisagerons la pertinence et les possibilités d’intervenir en groupe avec ces personnes. Ensuite, nous aborderons ensemble la manière d’adapter les étapes « classiques » de l'intervention sociale de groupe et présenterons enfin certains savoir-faire spécifiques pouvant être mobilisés.

2 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Entre nosotros: Creando comunidad organizando una clase de práctica
Maria Gurrola, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA (USA)
Seguido comunidades rurales se caracterizan por falta de servicios particularmente transportación, salud publica y mental en comunidades diversas, las necesidades aumentan cuando no existen trabajadores sociales bilingues y multiculturales. Colaboraciones con agencias, comunidades y escuelas de trabajo social son esenciales para preparar profesionales que respondan a las necesidades locales.

3 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Fostering Mental Well-Being and Empowerment in LGBTQIA+ Youth Amidst Current Anti-LGBTQIA+ Political Attacks: A Pilot Study of an Affirmative Mindfulness-Based Group Intervention
Gio Iacono, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Emily Loveland, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Leah Holle, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)

Cindy Pan, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Spencer Evans, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Tyler Haggerty, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)

Sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY), i.e., LGBTQIA+ youth, experience significant mental health disparities, particularly in this anti-LGBTQIA+ political climate, with few evidence-informed group interventions available. SGMY require culturally-responsive group supports, thus an affirmative group intervention (Tuned In!) was developed with SGMY and pilot-tested. Results indicate significant decreases in depression, anxiety, distress, and improvements in self-compassion, mindfulness and sexual self-efficacy at post-testing. Practical approaches integrating study insights into group work with SGMY will be explored.

4 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Online Project-Based Learning in Small Groups: Innovative Approaches to Leadership Development for Social Work Students
Marcella Pizzo, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (USA)
Utilizing an experiential learning theoretical framework, this research explores the leadership roles of students through a virtual project-based group work initiative. Thematic analysis revealed themes in two categories: obtained leadership skills and enhanced leadership skills. Findings showed increased confidence in promoting social work values in one’s community. This study underscores the significance of offering project-based group work experiences to develop leadership skills virtually. Implications include the importance of incorporating experiential learning opportunities through group work.

5 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Los servicios sociales y el trabajo con grupos
Yolanda Domenech-López, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)
Victor Giménez-Bertomeu, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)

Esta comunicación presenta resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en los Servicios Sociales de Alicante (España) sobre el Trabajo con Grupos dentro del Laboratorio de Servicios Sociales (GVA) y la Universidad de Alicante. Se presenta el análisis comparado sobre qué es el Trabajo con Grupos y cómo debería ser a través de la percepción de los profesionales de los distintos servicios. Los resultados muestran semejanzas entorno a los fundamentos teóricos y al rol profesional.

6 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Trabajo social con grupos para fomentar la participación ciudadana de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual
Teresa Amezcua-Aguilar, Universidad de Jaén, Jaén (Spain)
Javier Cortés-Moreno, Universidad de Jaén, Jaén (Spain)
Antonia Rodríguez-Martínez, Universidad de Jaén, Jaén (Spain)
Eva Sotomayor, Universidad de Jaén, Jaén (Spain)

En este trabajo se describe la planificación, implementación y resultados de una intervención socioeducativa mediante trabajo social con grupos para fomentar la participación ciudadana como herramienta de empoderamiento y justicia social.

7 Thursday, 9:00AM - 9:45AM

Helping Social Workers Integrate an Ecosocial Lens in Their Practice Through a Virtual International Mutual Aid Group
Nuria Prat Bau, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)
Hélène, Social Group Work Practitioner, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Andrew Spaumer, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, Johannesburg (South Africa)
Sunday Ofili Ibobor, University of Benin, Benin (Nigeria)

Georgianna Dolan-Reilly, Sacred Heart University, Bridgeport, CT (USA)
Michelle Willoughby, New York University, New York, NY (USA)
Sofiat Abimbola Busari-Akinbode, University of Lagos, Lagos (Nigeria)
Dainess Amukwelele, University of Namibia, Windhoek (Namibia)
Regina Scheitel, International Cooperation Department Soziales, Burgenland (Austria)
Samuel Ojima Adejoh, University of Lagos, Lagos (Nigeria)
Namoonga Chilwalo, University of Namibia, Windhoek (Namibia)
Environmental justice is a social justice issue.  Climate change, and environmental degradation disproportionately impact communities historically denied power and self-determination. Social workers focus on responding to emergencies and disasters, leaving behind prevention, mitigation, and the development of personal and community resilience. This presentation will emphasize and promote the role of an international virtual mutual aid group in reducing isolation and encouraging social workers to take deeper action about environmental injustice.


Session 5 // 45-minute Presentations – Thursday, 9:55 to 10:40 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

From Social Work Group to Collective Action: Activist Group Work by a Radical Social Work Perspective
Dimitra-Dora Teloni, University of West Attica, Athens (Greece)
How can we work and act for social justice in macro level, promote users’ rights, while at the same time we feel powerless and isolated in our practice? This presentation discusses examples of group work and collective action by the Social Work Action Network in Greece for the last 14 years. More specifically, social group work is presented in various frameworks of Greek Swan’s interventions, such as radical community development, solidarity and antiracist movement, and radical supervision.

2 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

Tres momentos históricos, tres situaciones del trabajo social con grupos
Xoán Lombardero-Posada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Esta presentación explora las intersecciones entre el trabajo social de grupo y el contexto más amplio del trabajo social en Norteamérica. Analiza tres momentos clave: la aceptación del trabajo social de grupo por parte de la Conferencia de 1935 en medio de desacuerdos; la disputa de 1938-1942 entre la AASSW y la NASSA mediada por la cultura del trabajo social de grupo; y el Informe Hollis-Taylor (1951) que esboza el papel del trabajo social de grupo. Estos momentos destacan la evolución y la importancia del trabajo social de grupo dentro del campo del trabajo social.

3 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

(EN>ES) Cooking Together: Psychosocial Benefits of Culinary Interventions (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Josephine Jarolmen, Private Practice, Ridgewood, NJ (USA)
This session is an introduction to culinary therapy. It considers the therapeutic benefits of cooking with clients, families and groups. It addresses the psychological issues of self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-confidence, positive well-being and empowerment. Utilizing mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, this session will show how cooking can help address emotional, social and interpersonal issues and help develop group cohesion.

4 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

Using the Arts to Facilitate Affirming, Strengths-Based Groups with LGBTQ Youth
Nora Wynn, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Brian Kelly, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

While research demonstrates participation in arts-based activities is beneficial for youth and promotes social justice, less is known about how the arts might be used to facilitate inclusive group work practice with LGBTQ youth. This presentation will address this gap in the literature by presenting a practice-informed conceptual model for using-arts based activities to facilitate affirming, strengths-based group work with LGBTQ youth.

5 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

(EN>ES) Group Work: Planting the Seed to Grow
Jenna Basto, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Darian Constantine, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Grace Krall, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Brooke Murphy, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Erin Nau, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)

Hear from newly minted MSW students as they share how their participation in their practice in social work with groups course has influenced their practices and personal lives today. This presentation will express the beauty of a group dynamic that can start in the classroom. It isn’t simply about sitting in a circle talking; it's about learning how to be vulnerable, how to care about others, and how to coexist. Learn how this experience enhanced the development of students' skills in group facilitation, empathy, compassion, and teamwork.

6 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

El desarrollo de la flexibilidad espacial en la sala de clases. La metodología de Taller como dinámica de grupo en la formación de trabajadores/as sociales (TRAINING TRACK)
Ramon Vivanco, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Los Lagos (Chile)
Soraya Espinoza, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Los Lagos (Chile)

La escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Los Lagos (Chile) centra su proceso de enseñanza en un modelo educativo llamado Taller. El Taller es una metodología educativa, orientada al trabajo donde lo grupal toma una fuerza central, potenciando en los participantes un aprendizaje significativo. Desde este se potencia el uso flexible de los espacios educativos que posibilitan la interacción y el trabajo colaborativo tan propio del Trabajo Social.

7 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM

Los grupos de acción social: explorando el contínuum de lo individual hacia la comunidad y de lo personal a lo político
Nuria Prat Bau, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)
Nuria Simó Gil, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona (Spain)

Se presenta el ejemplo de un Grupo de Acción Social formado por mujeres dónde se visibilizan las metas fijadas por los propios miembros para lograr cambios en el entorno ecofísico de su comunidad. Se describen las características, ventajas y desventajas de este enfoque y se enfatiza la base de sus valores. Se presentan los procesos y ejes de desarrollo clave que permiten favorecer la construcción de agencia política dentro del contínuum personal y colectivo.

8 Thursday, 9:55AM - 10:40AM
The Nuts and Bolts of Creating an Eco-social Group
Hélène Onserud, IASWG New York Chapter, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Environmental justice is an increasingly important aspect of social justice. Based on the actual experience of creating and facilitating on-going eco-social groups over the past year, this presentation will lead participants interested in starting such groups to experience and learn about some of its essential features.


Session 6 // 45-minute Presentations – Thursday, 11:00 to 11:45 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

(FR>ES) L’utilisation du Digital Storytelling, comme méthode de recherche-intervention de groupe pour favoriser le pouvoir d’agir et la résilience d’adolescents en contexte de vulnérabilité (RESEARCH TRACK)
Ann-Sophie Simard, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC (Canada)
Eve Pouliot, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC (Canada)
Danielle Maltais, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC (Canada)
Christine Gervais, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, QC (Canada)
Kristel Tardif-Grenier, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC (Canada)

Alors que les jeunes sont exposés à de plus en plus de situations de vulnérabilité, notamment des catastrophes naturelles, plusieurs se demandent comment intervenir auprès de ces adultes en devenir. Pour ce faire, cette présentation expose en quoi le Digital Storytelling est une méthodologie participative novatrice qui, par l’entremise d’activités de création numérique en groupe, permet de favoriser le bien-être et le pouvoir d’agir des jeunes en contexte de vulnérabilité.

2 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Reinserción Social Juvenil desde las actorias. Una apuesta vincular con las comunidades locales
Natalia Hernández, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Metropolitano (Chile)
La presentación brindará un espacio para revisar metodologías de trabajo con jóvenes en proceso de reinserción social desde las posibilidades que brindan las actorías juveniles, y con ello, desplegar acciones que reconstruyan vínculos con sus comunidades de origen.

3 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Collaborative Construction of a Subject on Conflict Management and Culture of Peace in the UCM Laboratory (DRLab)
Ana I Corchado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Marta Blaco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)

The presentation will describe the results of the innovation project for the creation of a subject created through an experimental methodology developed by DRLab. The goal of this project was to learn better ways to mediate and resolve conflict and then integrate the learning into future courses of social work with groups. Join us to experience this experimental network of a laboratory to evaluate the applicability of this prototype for other universities and to the fields of conflict resolution and social work with groups.

4 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Fostering Hope in Group Work
Binita Mankad Donohue, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Sandra Yu Rueger, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL (USA)

Hope is vitally important to group work. Having a clear conceptualization of hope can offer a theoretical roadmap for how to foster hope within the context of therapeutic interventions, including group therapy. This session will explore common conceptualizations and theories about hope in the scientific literature that can inform group therapy. Specific attention will be given to mechanisms that enable and integrate hope with client-centered cultural values.

5 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Utilizing Groups to Address Racial Trauma and Racial Socialization in Black Youth
Michelle-Ann Rhoden Neita, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Chastity Owens, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Phumlile Mabila, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

Previous studies indicate that Black youth experience racial trauma more than other ethno-racial groups, which increases their risk of poor psychological functioning. Racial socialization can be a protective factor and may alleviate the effects of racial trauma. Researchers have evaluated several interventions focused on racial trauma and socialization in Black youth. This presentation will critically review group interventions and highlight the application of group work used to address racial trauma and socialization among Black youth.

6 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Desarrollar competencias profesionales para trabajar con personas ingresadas en un hospital
María José de Dios Duarte, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain)
Se trata de un workshop centrado en el aprendizaje basado en la experiencia práctica consolidada con personas ingresadas en un hospital de Madrid (toxicómanas con enfermedad de VIH) en situación de vulnerabilidad y exclusión social y el desarrollo de habilidades desde la experiencia profesional.

7 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Enseñando trabajo social con grupos a través del aprendizaje servicio: integrando la teoría y la práctica
Linda Ducca Cisneros, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Renata Nunes, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
David Alonso González, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Juan Brea Iglesias, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
La presentación abordará un proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio ligado a la asignatura de Metodología de Intervención en Trabajo Social con Grupos en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en colaboración con diversas entidades. Luego se exponer la experiencia y su fundamentación, se propiciará la relfexión sobre las posibilidades y dificultades de la implementación de la metodología en otros contextos. Se pondrá énfasis en la interrelación teórico-práctica en la intervención social y la formación.

8 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

P+G grupal: Instrumentos para incrementar la calidad y desarrollo de programas grupales de parentalidad positiva
Nuria Fuentes-Pelaez, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Belén Parra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Gemma Crous, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Paulo Padilla-Petry, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Sara Perez, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Judit Rabassa, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Se presentan los instrumentos para configurar y dinamizar grupos en los programas de educación parental en la atención a la infancia, adolescencia y sus familias en situación de riesgo, desde una perspectiva de parentalidad positiva. La finalidad de los instrumentos P+Clave y G+Clave es mejorar la calidad de la implementación y desarrollo de los programas mediante la potenciación de los elementos CORE de la metodología de grupo: compromiso para el cambio, ayuda mutua, soporte social.

9 Thursday, 11:00AM - 11:45AM

Breaking the Barriers: Exploring Belonging, Inclusion and Engagement of Black Men in Social Work (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Telvis Rich, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (USA)
The presentation explores the factors that impact the well-being of Black men in social work. The presenter will share his qualitative research findings and discuss how Black men in social work use coping strategies to address barriers that impact a sense of belonging, engagement and inclusion as students, faculty and practitioners. The findings can be applied in group practice to promote the well-being of Black males in social work.


Session 7 // 60-minute Presentations – Thursday, 12:00 to 13:00 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Ethical Issues in Group Practice with Technology: Challenges and Opportunities | The Robert Salmon Invitational
Allan E. Barsky, Florida Atlantic University, Lauderdale by the Sea, FL (USA)
This workshop explores ethical issues that arise when social work with groups involves artificial intelligence, videoconferencing, online groups, social networking, and other forms of technology. Participants will learn specific strategies for empowering groups to make informed decisions about confidentiality, creating safe spaces, dual relationships, social justice, access, consent, and other ethical issues. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in small group discussions to practice application of ethical theories and conflict management strategies.

2 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Accompagner le développement de l’aide mutuelle dans les groupes : un défi à relever pour une société meilleure et plus juste (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Ginette Berteau, Pratique privée, Cowansville, QC (Canada)
Louise Warin, Pratique privée, Liège (Belgium)

La communication part des racines anthropologiques de l’aide mutuelle pour mieux en comprendre son potentiel de transformation des personnes et des groupes. En lien avec les enjeux sociétaux actuels, les conditions pour que le groupe emprunte la voie de l’autonomie et du pouvoir d’agir seront abordés. Une attention particulière sera accordée au renforcement de la position de la personne-ressource comme partenaire du groupe inséré dans divers contextes. 

3 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Unraveling the Layers of Community Violence: A Comprehensive Exploration of Structural Violence and Group-Based Interventions
Ashley Blanchard-Miller, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (USA)
When nonprofits choose to disrupt structural violence by acting in tandem with other social service providers, local police departments, hospitals, and community members themselves, the resulting interventions have been shown to decrease rates of violent neighborhood incidents and higher rates of community efficacy and perceptions of justice.  This session discusses the multiple dimensions of violence, and its unique affects communities and their members, and how group-based collaborative interventions can disrupt structural violence.

4 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Developing Confidence and Competence in Group Supervision (TRAINING TRACK)
Daniela Riccelli, HCA_Florida JFK North Hospital, West Palm Beach, FL (USA)
Alexa Domlija, HCA_Florida JFK North Hospital, West Palm Beach, FL (USA)
Melony James, HCA_Florida JFK North Hospital, West Palm Beach, FL (USA)
Claudia Gonzalez, HCA_Florida JFK North Hospital, West Palm Beach, FL (USA)
Mark Smith, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Attendees will gain knowledge and skills in facilitating trauma-informed supervision groups. Presenters will role-play a structured group supervision. Attendees can observe or actively participate as group members. The goal is to model a narrative and reflective approach to group supervision, introducing experiential activities.

5 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Student-Faculty Dialogue: Bringing People Together (RESEARCH TRACK)
Tee R. Tyler, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (USA)
This presentation reviews the results of a qualitative study on a dialogue group for student and faculty participants. The presenter conducted a contrapuntal analysis to explore competing discourses in five monthly student-faculty dialogue meetings. The presenter will share study results and engage attendees in an experiential dialogue activity. Attendees will also learn how to provide a five-month dialogue program in educational and community settings.

6 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Situaciones difíciles y resistencias en el trabajo con grupos de hombres: un taller desde la práctica y la reflexion común.
Iria de la Osa Subtil, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Villaviciosa de Odòn, Madrid (Spain)
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)

Se propone un taller para profesionales que intervienen con grupos y se centra en el manejo de situaciones difíciles y resistencias en grupos de hombres condenados por violencia de género. Mediante análisis de casos, role-playing y discusión grupal, se busca mejorar las habilidades comunicativas y el manejo de conflictos en profesionales para abordar comportamientos arraigados y actitudes defensivas. El objetivo es dotar a los profesionales reflexibidad y manejo de este tipo de situaciones.

7 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Encuentro CuidarNOS: Circuitos de autocuidado y cuidado colectivo para quienes acompañan
Jenice M. Vazquez-Pagan, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR (USA)
Elithet Silva-Martinez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR (USA)
Heriberto Ramirez-Ayala, Taller Salud, Loiza, PR (USA)

CuidarNOS como modelo informado en trauma, nace de la urgencia de crear espacios de autocuidado y cuidado colectivo para que profesionales en el ámbito social puedan tener un espacio para el cuidado de su salud emocional, física y mental, a la vez que desarrollan una red de apoyo. Propone la implementación de una metodología experiencial para trabajar temas de trauma, trauma vicario y bienestar, utilizando conferencias educativas con elementos experienciales.

8 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Countering Isolation: Empathy Building within Groups that Create Connections for Individual and Social Change (TRAINING TRACK)
Michael Chovanec, St. Catherine University, Bloomington, MN (USA)
Loneliness and isolation are considered an epidemic and linked to a variety of physical and psychological issues including dementia, abuse and chemical dependency.  In a world with many people feeling isolated and not seen, this presentation introduces an Empathy Building framework that has been developed through work with involuntary clients over the past 30 years. Participants gain an understanding of the framework and its treatment guides while participating in several empathy-building exercises for groups.

9 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Evolving Together: Exploring Group Supervision as a Living Organization (RESEARCH TRACK)
Julija Eidukeviciute, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Rasa Naujanienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)

According to the concept of a living system, different groups require different approaches for their growth and development. This session will present the results of the study exploring social workers' varying expectations of group supervision based on the theory of social work supervision functions, focusing on administrative, learning, and supportive supervision functions. Participants will then practice using the various tools to support different functions of supervision and learn how social workers can adapt to social complexity and organizational change.

10 Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

PhotoVoice and Social Group Work: Shared Roots and Commitments
Mieko Yoshihama, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA)
PhotoVoice, amethod of participatory action research, shares much in common with social group work; both promote collective reflexive dialogue, growth, and empowerment. Rooted in Freirean education for critical consciousness, feminist theories, and documentary photography, PhotoVoice engages people affected by the social issue targeted for change in analyses, strategy formulation, and action for change. Embracing the principles of learning-by-doing, workshop participants will learn about PhotoVoice methodology and its applications through simulations and various participatory activities.


Poster Presentations – Thursday, 13:15 to 14:30 (Madrid, GMT +2)

ROOM 1 | IASWG Poster Presentations – Thursday, 13:15 to 15:15 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1:15pm - 1:30pm (13:15-13:30)  | Burnout and the Cohort Model in Master of Social Work Programs
Jourdan Archambault, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA)
Emma Clarke, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA)
Natalie Lembeck, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA)
Kristen Tyler, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA)

This poster presentation explores whether burnout can be exasperated and spread among individuals within a cohort. The experiences of the individuals in the cohort model will be captured qualitatively through surveys with MSW students at a university in the Appalachian region of the Southeastern United States. This project may inform the future of cohort models in social work programs and clinicians in the field, which may have further implications on the efficacy of social work practice.

1:30pm - 1:45pm (13:30-13:45) | Evidence-informed Social Groupwork Teaching for Social Work Undergraduate Students
Peace Yuh Ju Wong, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Singapore)
Jason Tan, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Singapore)

Effective teaching of social groupwork practice is achievable through the use of thoughtful groupwork teaching, use of varied assessment methods and learning strategies. It was found that students were significantly more confident in demonstrating the groupwork skills after the course using the validated 70-item Inventory of Foundation Competencies in Social Work with Groups developed by Macgown (2012).

1:45pm - 2:00pm (13:45-14:00)  | The Impact of Setting on Student Peer Evaluations in Social Work Practice with Groups Classes
Katryna Moland, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)
Atlantis Leonard, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)
Michael Lyman, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)

The purpose of this project is to assess the impact of setting in a social work with groups class. The settings being compared are classes in the pre-COVID-19 era versus classes in the post-COVID-19 timeframe. The data collected showed higher ratings for social work skills and values in the post-COVID era.

2:00pm - 2:15pm (14:00 - 14:15) | Addressing Post-COVID Asian Hate: The Importance of AAPI Groups in Schools
Tina Moy, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Explore the impact of post-COVID Asian hate on AAPI students and learn about the critical role of AAPI affinity groups in creating supportive school environments. This session integrates theoretical perspectives and practice innovations, providing strategies for promoting inclusion, addressing discrimination, and fostering healing within school communities. Join us to discuss actionable steps for promoting equity and empowerment for AAPI students in the post-pandemic era.

2:30pm - 2:45pm (14:30-14:45) | Pedagogy of Death from Theatre Applied as a Group Intervention Tool
Ana Cañas Lerma, Universidad Islas Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares (Spain)
Lucía Miranda, The Cross Border, Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain)
Through applied theatre exercises, the twelve participants in a seminar identified the need for recognition and normalisation of grief and death within the issues to be managed through social intervention and social work with groups. Applied theatre allows one to approach complex problems and vulnerability through play and creativity.

3:00pm - 3:15pm (15:00-15:15) | Behind the Screens: Unveiling the Dynamics of No To Family Violence (N2FV) Virtual Group Work
Sin Ting Yum, Allkin Singapore Ltd, Singapore (Singapore)
Vijaya Rani Jayaguru, Allkin Singapore Ltd, Singapore (Singapore)
Oi Ling Yong, Allkin Singapore Ltd, Singapore (Singapore)
Xing Jun Chuah, Allkin Singapore Ltd, Singapore (Singapore)
Janson Lim, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore (Singapore)

The No 2(To) Family Violence (N2FV) group work was developed by Allkin Singapore as a psychoeducational programme for individuals who experienced family violence and conducted virtually via Zoom. Practice research was conducted seeking social workers' and group work participants' perceptions to understand the function and dynamics of virtual group work in the context of family violence. Discussions includes researchers’ reflections on adapting group work competencies to address the diverse needs of clients.

2:45pm - 3:00pm (14:45-15:00) | Beyond the Screen: Comparing Effectiveness of Psychosocial Outcomes for Face-to-Face to Online Group Delivery
Alice Schmidt Hanbidge, Renison University College, Waterloo, ON (Canada)
Sloan Bruan Lorenzini, Florida International University, Department of Social Work, Miami, FL (USA)
Maryam Rafieifar, University of Texas at Arlington, School of Social Work, Arlington, TX (USA)
Mark Macgowan, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)

Is receiving support through online group sessions as beneficial as attending in-person group treatments? Through a systematic review process,15 randomized controlled trials with similar interventions were examined. The impact of both formats varied, with some showing small changes while others displayed exceptionally positive outcomes. Whether you opt for the digital embrace or the physical experience of face-to-face therapeutic group connections, both methods can be effective and helpful in fostering positive outcomes.

Room 2 | IASWG Poster Presentations – Thursday, 13:15 to 15:15 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1:15pm - 1:30pm (13:15-13:30) | La educación popular y la prevención del Chagas agudo: Una experiencia socio-educativa en Bucaramanga, Colombia
Amanda Amorocho, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Santander (Colombia)
Se presenta una reflexión en torno a un proceso de conformación de un grupo de educación no formal constituido para la prevención del Chagas agudo en tres barrios de una ciudad del nororiente de Colombia. El diplomado desarrolló actividades teóricas y prácticas con los participantes, buscando el diálogo de saberes. Esta experiencia buscó la comprensión de la diversidad cultural de los participantes y asumió el enfoque de Educación popular aplicada al campo de la salud.

1:30pm - 1:45pm (13:30-13:45) | La grupalidad como pilar de la construcción colectiva de conocimiento. La experiencia del GEDEIS
Melisa Campana, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Mariana Servio, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe (Argentina)
Mariela Morandi, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe (Argentina)
Se describe la experiencia del Grupo de Estudios sobre Debates Emergentes de la Intervención Social  (GEDEIS), radicado en el Centro de Investigaciones sobre Gubernamentalidad y Estado (CIGE), de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. El póster da cuenta de la importancia de la construcción de grupalidad como punto de partida y pilar fundamental para establecer estrategias de producción colectiva de conocimiento. 

1:45pm - 2:00pm (13:45-14:00) | La práctica ética del Trabajo Social con grupos: innovación docente para su enseñanza
Mercedes Cuenca, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Belén Parra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Ariadna Munté, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

La dimensión ética es un elemento central de la formación, de ahí la propuesta del Laboratorio de ética en el contexto de la asignatura de Trabajo Social grupal impartida en la Universidad de Barcelona. Mediante dicha estructura de aprendizaje se realiza una contribución en la construcción de una cultura ética específica del Trabajo Social grupal que se alimenta de la práctica actual de la profesión y los valores en los que se fundamenta.

2:30pm - 2:45pm (14:30-14:45) | Optimizing Postpartum Mental Health in NICU Settings: Implications for Groupwork with Fathers
Tyriesa Howard, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO (USA)
Anthony Nixon, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO (USA)
Jordyn Wartts, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO (USA)
Ri'enna Boyd, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO (USA)
Jesse Davis, Saint Louis Integrated Health Network, Saint Louis, MO (USA)

The presentation focuses on enhancing postpartum mental health in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) settings by emphasizing the critical role fathers play in this context. The session aims to delineate innovative approaches to support fathers of NICU infants thereby moderated improved well-being of the entire family. Integrating theoretical frameworks with practical interventions, this presentation proposes groupwork as a strategic method to address the unique psychological needs of these fathers.

2:45pm - 3:00pm (14:45-15:00) | Food Justice: An Exploration of Charitable Food Networks in a Rural Area
Jennifer Frank, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)
Dawn Watson, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)

This case study explored the nature of the charitable food landscape of one rural PA county (USA), including resource access, connectedness with other systems/services, and other potential barriers that may limit their effectiveness.

3:00pm - 3:15pm (15:00-15:15) | Groupoly: A Collaboratively Developed Board Game to Learn Social Work with Groups in a Fun Way
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
David Alonso González, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Raquel Avila Muñoz, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Juan Brea Iglesias, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)

Ana Cañas Lerma, Universidad Islas Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares (Spain)
Neus Caparros, La Rioja University, Logroño, SL (Spain)
Iria de la Osa Subtil, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Villaviciosa de Odòn, Madrid (Spain)
Beatriz de la Riva Picatoste, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Yolanda Domenech-López, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)
Renata Nunes, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Belén Parra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Adriana Benito Ruiz, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Claudia Bravo Langreo, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Lucía Casas Álvarez, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Marta García Portel, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Olivia Güemes Acedo, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Éboli Valencia Aramburu, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
The board game, Groupoly, is described and the possibility of playing it is offered. Groupoly is designed to acquire knowledge about social work with groups and to develop basic competences to participate and manage groups.


Session 8 // 60-minute Presentations – Thursday, 15:30 to 16:30 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

(EN>ES) Development and Preliminary Test of a Spanish Inventory to Assess Knowledge and Self-Confidence in Online Group Work | The Charles Garvin Invitational
Mark Macgowan, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Catalina Canizares, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Renata Nunes Portela, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Iria de la Osa Subtil, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Villaviciosa de Odòn, Madrid (Spain)

The pandemic highlighted the need for knowledge and skills about online group work. In response, IASWG added twenty-three online considerations to its Standards for the Practice of Social Work with Groups. This didactic presentation by colleagues in the USA and Spain describes a project in Spain that developed and tested a Spanish Inventory to assess knowledge and self-confidence in incorporating the online considerations into practice. The Inventory’s value for teaching and practice will be discussed.

2 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Functional versus Diagnostic Social Work: Development of Social Group Work as a Response to the Proliferation of Need
Phara Lafortune-Morame, Sacred Heart University, Naples, FL (USA)
Lida Holst, Sacred Heart University, Conrad, MT (USA)

The diagnostic school assigns treatment goals to social workers, while functionalists believe patients can resolve problems through their inherent capacities and supportive relationships. Functional group work has not received attention in recent years.  Using diagnostic vs. function as a framework, this presentation aim to provide a deeper understanding of functional group work from a historical perspective with implication for practical applications in modern day social work practice with groups.

3 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Luchando Junt@s Por Una Familia Unida (Fighting Together for a United Family): Rebuilding the Cohesive Self of Immigrant Parents and Community Healing after a Family Separation in the United States
Cheryl Aguilar, Hope Center for Wellness and Smith College, Washington, DC (USA)
This session examines the psychological impact of the U.S. Zero Tolerance policy on immigrant parents, emphasizing the need to implement support groups to respond to community members' distress. Utilizing self psychology theory, the presentation provides a framework to integrate the theory's concepts into support groups. The session will demonstrate how support groups can symbolize strength and safety similar to la familia (the family) or la comunidad (the community), which represent familial cultural values.

4 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Group Work Education Today: Innovative Strategies for an Inclusive Course Curriculum for Anti-oppressive Practice
Donna McLaughlin, Boston University, Boston, MA (USA)
Luz Lopez, Boston University, Boston, MA (USA)

This presentation focuses on the critical need for moving towards a more contemporary social group work curriculum, integrating methods for anti-oppressive practice. The presenters describe the process of developing an innovative and inclusive social group work required course. The challenges and accomplishments are discussed. Join us for a vibrant conversation about group work education today!

5 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Using Groupwork to Break Down Barriers: Experimenting with Mixed-Gender Groups for Domestic Abuse Intervention
Carrie McManus, Sagesse, Calgary, AB (Canada)
This presentation will explore how social work with groups models and practices could be used to support a shift in service delivery. Through this presentation Sagesse will provide an overview of an innovative project to remove gender as the primary entrance criteria to our domestic abuse psycho-educational peer support groups.  This workshop will provide an opportunity to engage in discussion and group learning about our process of redefining group work models for this population.

6 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Photovoice as a Social Justice Groupwork Intervention: From Idea to Icebreaker | The Norma C. Lang Nondeliberative Invitational
Jennifer Currin-McCulloch, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (USA)
Danielle Peterson, University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, IN (USA)

This session will utilize a parallel process to describe the planning through evaluative stages of a photovoice group. Attendees will gather a comprehensive understanding of photovoice’s theoretical roots, exploring its application to marginalized populations and influence on social justice. They will engage in an interactive discussion about the phases of a photovoice group intervention and participate in a photovoice activity. Attendees will receive support in brainstorming how to apply photovoice methods to their work setting. 

7 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

The Kids-for-Kids Program: Social Justice though the Eyes of the Privileged
Hilda Baar-Kooij, Private Practice, Steenbergen, Brabant (Netherlands)
Reineth Prinsloo, Hugenote Kollege, Wellington, Western Cape (South Africa)

The Kids-for-Kids programme empowers privileged youth to address social justice issues by fostering empathy and awareness through reciprocal learning with marginalized communities. Through small group projects like fundraising and crafting, privileged children gain insight into social inequalities and their role in promoting equity. By leveraging their resources and platforms, these youth become potent change agents, exemplifying how privileged individuals can contribute to a more just and equitable society.

8 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Applying a Group Work Lens to Facilitating Effective Meetings
Shirley Simon, Loyola University, Chicago, IL (USA)
Kristina Lind,​ Western Carolina University​, Cullowhee, NC ​(​USA)
Meetings often comprise a large component of a social worker’s day, yet are frequently frustrating and ineffective. Running an effective meeting is a skill whose foundation lies in group work principles. This workshop identifies strategies and techniques for facilitating productive meetings. Participants will gain practical tools for immediate application.

8 Thursday, 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Expressive Group Therapy to Increase Inclusivity and Support Wellbeing of Older Adults
Carole Som, H Louis Lake Senior Center, Garden Grove, CA (USA)
Golnaz Agahi, SocialWise Consulting, Irvine, CA (USA)

Ageism exists across regions and cultures and effects older populations on a psychological, behavioral and physiological level. This workshop will address how ageism effects on older adults, and case study of two expressive group therapy techniques will be presented. The session will also offer an interactive component where participants will engage in a group expressive therapy session applying the discussed techniques.

(ES>EN) The Sumner Gill Memorial Plenary – Thursday, 17:00 to 18:00 (Madrid, GMT +2)

​(ES>EN) Trabajo Social con Grupos en España: Práctica, Innovación y Educación (Social Work with Groups in Spain: Practice, Innovation, and Education)
Ana I Corchado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
David Alonso González, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Ana Cañas Lerma, Universidad Islas Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares (Spain)
Yolanda Domenech-López, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)

El panel plenario ofrece una exploración de la práctica del trabajo en grupo y la educación en el contexto del trabajo social español, combinando la teoría con ideas prácticas. Desde programas basados en la comunidad hasta iniciativas de educación superior, los panelistas describirán sus enfoques individuales para el trabajo social en grupo que emplean metodologías culturalmente sensibles con el fin de construir conexiones, romper barreras y fortalecer las comunidades de práctica.

The plenary panel offers an exploration of group work practice and education within the Spanish social work context, blending theory with practical insights. From community-based programs to higher education initiatives, panelists will describe their individual approaches to social group work that employ culturally responsive methodologies in order to build connections, break barriers, and strengthen communities of practice.


Friday June 14, 2024

Session 9 // 45-minute Presentations – Friday, 9:30 to 10:15 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

Using Art Expression and Mindfulness with Adolescence to Improve Mental Health Outcomes in Schools
Nina Limbeck, Niles West High School and Loyola University, Chicago, IL (USA)
This session will teach participants how to engage adolescents in a variety of therapeutic activities and modalities to teach coping skills. The presentation will demonstrate ways to teach elements of the expressive arts, cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy with diverse populations.

2 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

Aula invertida y breakout-edu como método de evaluación en trabajo grupal
Maria Jose Gomez Poyato, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain)
Diana Valero Errazu, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain)
Marta Mira Aladren, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain)
Antonio Eito Mateo, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain)

Uno de los principales problemas a los que el sector de la educación se enfrenta es la falta de motivación e interés por parte de los alumnos de acudir a las aulas. Esto, unido a la necesaria incorporación de las TIC, nos ha llevado a desarrollar una experiencia gamificada utilizando el breakout-edu y el role playing como herramientas de evaluación del conocimiento y fomento del aprendizaje que contribuyan a la implicación del alumnado en clase.

3 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

Sanando el corazón desde la sororidad: los grupos de autoayuda sobre salud emocional para las mujeres migrantes en Illinois, Estados Unidos
Cary Rositas-Sheftel, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Elisa Leyva, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Camille Morhun, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Maria Vidal de Haymes, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

El tema de la migración cobra relevancia ante las injusticias sociales que esta población experimenta. Esta presentación compartirá el proceso y los resultados de la creación de grupos de autoayuda sobre salud emocional para mujeres migrantes liderados por promotoras comunitarias como un espacio para sanar en sororidad. Los grupos de autoayuda se llevan a cabo en Chicago y área conurbada en donde hay una presencia significativa de comunidad migrante de México y Centroamérica.

4 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

"Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne." (Hermann Hesse) - "There is a magic in every beginning." (Hermann Hesse)
Jennifer Vest, IASWG German Chapter (Germany)
Every beginning in a group is an exciting, thrilling, and perhaps even frightening time. This presentation will highlight the importance of the initial phase for the positive development of a group. It will discuss challenges as well as opportunities for this stage. Come learn our favourite methods, suggest your own, and leave with new techniques to support this vital stage of group development.

5 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

(EN>ES) Processing Separation in Therapeutic Group with Mothers of Children Removed from Home by Court Order
Galit Harel, Ashkelon Academic College, Ashkelon (Israel)
The decision to remove a child from a home is described in the literature as a complex process for the child, the parents, and the family as a whole. Reviewing the literature suggests that there are few therapeutic programs for parents whose children were removed from home by a court order. Most programs aim to find solutions for the children's needs and less for the parents. The present presentation describes a group therapy at the Social Services Department with mothers of children who were removed from their custody by court order and placed in foster care or boarding schools.

6 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

Leveraging Youth Voice in Advisory Groups: Empowering LGBTQ+ Youth and Informing Research through a Virtual International Bilingual Youth Board
Shelley L. Craig, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Rachael Pascoe, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Edward Alessi, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)
Michael P. Dentato, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Ashley Brooks, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)

This presentation describes the benefits of a one-year bilingual English and Spanish international youth advisory board (IYAB) group focused on LGBTQ+ youth research projects. LGBTQ+ from Canada, USA, and Mexico overwhelmingly described a positive experience from participating in the IYAB and demonstrated an improvement in hope, self-esteem, empowerment, and groupwork skills. Practical recommendations on how to develop a youth working group that center and support marginalized youth in social work research will be shared.

7 Friday, 9:30AM - 10:15AM

Addressing Microaggressions in a Group Using an Antiracist, Intersectional Feminist Lens (TRAINING TRACK)
Erin Nau, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Jamie Nappi, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)

Groups are a microcosm community. Group members will experience microaggressions as they would out in the community at large. Facilitators and instructors have opportunities to intervene and model supportive behaviors to create safe, brave, and intentionally evolving spaces that encourage radical genuineness for all group members. This session will provide an overview of related scholarly content and then suggest actions toward intervening against microaggressions as they occur within a group. 


Session 10 // 45-minute Presentations – Friday, 10:25 to 11:10 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM

Utilizing Expressive Arts to Explore and Process Grief in Social Work with Groups
Jacqueline Lueken, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Participants will learn ways in which expressive arts is utilized in processing grief. They will be asked to incorporate a social justice lens to consider how being in a group setting allows members who are grieving to be better supported during the bereavement process. Finally, participants will explore how to use expressive arts to help those experiencing grief find support through social work with groups.

2 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM
De las dinámicas en el aula a las dinámicas en la realidad
Neus Caparros, University of La Rioja, Logroño (Spain)
La sesión muestra un proyecto grupal desarrollado por el alumnado del grado en trabajo social siendo los destinatarios niños y niñas de enseñanza que presentan situaciones de vulnerabilidad. En la sesión se mostrará como no hay nada más práctico que una buena teoría, dado que, siguiendo paso a paso el marco, modelos, fases, y objetivos del desarrollo de un proyecto grupal se ha alcanzado la finalidad propuesta y los resultados esperados.
3 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM

The Use of The Problem Solving Process in an Eco-Social Group (TRAINING TRACK)
Karla Herrera, Clinical Social Worker, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Joyce Roberson-Steele, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
Hélène Onserud, IASWG New York Chapter, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Mamadou Seck, Cleveland State University, South Euclid, OH (USA)

This presentation delves into the transformative experiences of social workers across the United States who formed an environmental virtual mutual aid group. The presenters, as active members of this group, will share their insights into employing the problem-solving process which emphasizes collaboration, reflective questioning, and storytelling as a means to address community-level environmental challenges and, indirectly, challenges related to climate grief, community trauma, and professional identity confusion. This presentation provides a unique lens into the potential of the problem solving process for social workers who want to play a role in the climate emergency.

4 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM

Conducting Trauma-informed Focus Groups (TRAINING TRACK)
Edward Alessi, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)
Sarilee Kahn, McGill University, Montreal, QC (Canada)

Because focus groups are frequently used in social science and public health research to gather information from individuals who frequently encounter traumatic events, and also hold minoritized or stigmatized identities, researchers must be prepared to conduct focus groups in ways that protect research participants’ safety and promote their resilience. Participants will gain knowledge and skills needed to design and implement focus-group studies that ensure participant safety and promote their resilience. The presenter draws on their own research with im(migrants) and refugees as well as the literature on trauma-informed practice and anti-oppressive research to guide their discussion and provide examples for conducting trauma-informed focus groups.

5 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM

The Exploration of Manhood Through a Liberatory Afrocentric Praxis
Anthony De Jesus, University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT (USA)
Kyle McGee, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY (USA)
Kevin Muhammad, Muck Mudd, Inc., Bridgeport, CT (USA)

Using the analogy of a tree, this presentation will describe the Manhood Tree curriculum  and program for African American and African Diaspora men to explore the five “hoods:” Boyhood, Young Adulthood, Brotherhood, Fatherhood, and Manhood. A panel discussion will discuss the social work group work principles, such as mutual aid and narrative approaches, to provide opportunities for participants to critically examine the socialization of men within the context of both nurturing and oppressed communities of origin.

6 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM

Where, When and How Students Learn about Social Work with Groups: An Inquiry by the IASWG Commission on Group Work in Social Work Education | The Roselle Kurland Memorial Invitational
Carol S. Cohen, Adelphi University, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Mark Macgowan, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Erin Nau, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Jennifer Currin-McCulloch, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (USA)
Andrew Spaumer, University of South Africa, Johannesburg (South Africa)

Donna McLaughlin, Boston University, Boston, MA (USA)
Luz Lopez, Boston University, Boston, MA (USA)

This workshop focuses on methods and scope of teaching and learning social groupwork around the world. Presenters will highlight diverse examples by IASWG Commission members and engage participants in sharing their initiatives and ideas. The session will help in crafting plans to expand research on groupwork education internationally.

7 Friday, 10:25AM - 11:10AM
Building Effective Task Groups: Creating a Regional Network of Interprofessional Behavioral Health Student Training Programs (TRAINING TRACK)
Michael P. Dentato, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Shelley L. Craig, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Edward Alessi, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)

Building effective task groups can be quite impactful. This presentation examines creation of a U.S. regional network of interprofessional behavioral health training programs to prepare social work, nursing, counseling, and occupational therapy students for the workforce. Task groups were established to create an annual online regional symposium, a series of “lunch and learn” trainings, create a national resource website, collaborate on simulated practice experiences, create mentorship opportunities, and collaborate on scholarship and conference presentations.


Session 11 // 45-minute Presentations – Friday, 11:30 to 12:15 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

(EN>ES) Online Networking for Social Justice: Building an International Network through Groupwork, Empowerment and Community Media
David Ward, De Montfort University, Leicester (United Kingdom)
This presentation describes on the International-Network-for-Criminal-Justice (IN-CJ) developed following the Covid lockdown. IN-CJ is promoting, transnationally, community-based restoration and rehabilitation to achieve desistance, human-rights and social justice in responding to offending. Through the lens of IN-CJ's journey, this presentation will explore how blending community media with empowerment groupwork, groupworkers can facilitate participation in online networks that are faithful to the egalitarian principles core of groupwork practice.

2 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

Agrupaciones territoriales en tiempos críticos. Articulaciones, contradicciones y temporalidades frente al megaincendio en la comuna de Viña del Mar, Chile
Rodrigo Cortes-Mancilla, Alberto Hurtado University, Santiago (Chile)
El 09 de febrero de 2024 un megaincendio azotó la comuna de Viña del Mar en Chile. El trabajo social permite una deconstrucción de posiciones, discusiones y mediaciones para potenciar críticamente intervenciones e investigaciones con agrupaciones situadas territorialmente frente a la catástrofe o frente a estos tiempos críticos.

3 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

El Movimiento en Primera Persona en España. Activismo y participación política en el ámbito del sufrimiento psíquico | The Catherine T. Papell Invitational
Juan Brea Iglesias, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
David Alonso González, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Renata Nunes, Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)

Explora el Movimiento en Primera Persona en Salud Mental desde sus orígenes en EE. UU. y Canadá hasta su desarrollo en España. Destacamos sus discursos, reivindicaciones y propuestas políticas, y reflexionamos sobre el papel profesional. Este análisis busca enriquecer la comprensión sobre la importancia del reconocimiento de la experiencia en primera persona. Un llamado a la colaboración ética para construir prácticas inclusivas y respetuosas con la diversidad de vivencias en la salud mental.

4 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

Empowering the Undocumented Community: Building Networks of Support through Resource Guides and Immigrant Support Groups (TRAINING TRACK)
Paula Medina, Hunter College, New York, NY (USA)
Karla Herrera, Clinical Social Worker, Brooklyn, NY (USA)

This presentation describes the process of designing support groups and creating resource guides to empower undocumented, Spanish-speaking immigrants in New York City. Through interactive activities, attendees will be able to identify service barriers and learn concrete tools to establish similar networks of care and empowerment for undocumented immigrants in their communities.

5 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

Bridging the Gaps in Groups with LGBTQ+ Adolescents: Participant- and Clinician-Identified Barriers and Facilitators to Effective Group Therapy (RESEARCH TRACK)
Shelley L. Craig, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Rachael Pascoe, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Michael P. Dentato, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Edward Alessi, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)

This presentation describes the results of a clinical implementation study of the AFFIRM group intervention, a manualized affirmative cognitive behavioral (CBT) group intervention tailored for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. Data from LGBTQ+ youth group participants and their clinicians described specific barriers and facilitators for the successful running of affirmative group therapy. This experiential presentation provides specific clinical examples and opportunities to strengthen clinician knowledge and skills in effective delivery of group based affirmative CBT.

6 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

A Chess Therapeutic Program for Youth: Preliminary Findings from a Group Intervention
Michelle-Ann Rhoden Neita, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Lanyaird Smith, FamPac Wellness Center, Chicago, IL (USA)

Previous studies show that chess training can improve the behavioral, emotional and cognitive skills of youth. Applying Yalom's therapeutic factors, this presentation explains a pilot chess therapeutic group intervention that incorporates chess skills in addressing behavioral and emotional regulation problems in youth exposed to violence.

7 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM

Un guide de pratique interactif pour le travail avec des groupes ouverts : réalisation collective du chapitre francophone | The USC Invitational
Eric Gascon, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC (Canada)
Ginette Berteau, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC (Canada)

Les groupes ouverts sont fréquemment utilisés en raison des avantages qu’ils présentent. L’intervention dans ces groupes comportent toutefois son lot de défis.  Afin de répondre aux besoins des intervenant(e)s de groupe, le chapitre francophone a développé un outil interactif d’apprentissage sur les groupes ouverts. Cette présentation a comme objectifs de présenter ce guide ainsi que la démarche collaborative ayant conduit à sa réalisation et de promouvoir la création de tels outils par les chapitres AITSG-IASWG.

8 Friday, 11:30AM - 12:15PM
Rainbow Zebras and Wild Horses: Planning a Support Group for College Students (TRAINING TRACK)
Rebecca Hoffman, Fashion Institute of Technology Counseling Center, New York, NY (USA)
Sometimes group planning bears fruit. Sometimes it doesn’t! When it doesn’t, we can “regroup!” Using the group planning tools of Bob Salmon and Roselle Kurland, attendees will take a deep dive into group planning, learn to listen for client needs, and turn an inkling or a tickle of an idea into a blossoming group that meets those needs. In this interactive workshop, we will explore taking risks, falling into pitfalls, and clambering out again!


Session 12 // 30-minute Presentations – Friday, 12:30 to 13:00 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Friday, 12:30PM - 1:00PM

(EN>ES) Student Internships: Creative Strategies for Successful Group Work Internship Experiences
Greg Tully, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
An internship is a major part of students' educational experience. Undergraduate and graduate students must be taught to effectively facilitate client groups as part of their internship experience. This presentation will address strategies to ensure successful group work learning opportunities for students in internship settings.

2 Friday, 12:30PM - 1:00PM

Use of the SBIRT Model and Interprofessional Teams with Transgender Clients
Michael P. Dentato, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Edward Alessi, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)
Shelley L. Craig, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)

The SBIRT model has been shown to be an effective approach for the identification and intervention for hazardous alcohol and substance use, and substance use disorders. However, use of the model via interprofessional practice teams among transgender and nonbinary (TNB) populations has yet to be fully explored. This presentation will provide practice guidance for the utilization of the SBIRT model with TNB populations within interprofessional practice teams, underscoring the critical role of social work.

3 Friday, 12:30PM - 1:00PM

Sisterhood Society in Rural Moldova: A Cultural Revival through Group Work (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Vadim Moldovan, Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau (Moldova)
This presentation describes a project facilitating a traditional group practice in Moldova, called “shizotoare,” in which young and older females gather to work together on traditional crafts, discuss local affairs, and sing traditional songs. This traditional group practice was examined for its impact on community cohesion, intergenerational transmission of culture, and preservation of traditional crafts. Learn about the role of traditional culture in social work practice and techniques relevant to group work.

4 Friday, 12:30PM - 1:00PM
People & Places: Positionality and Difference Among Groups of Community Stakeholders in Homelessness Services
Jennifer Frank, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)
Dawn Watson, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)

This presentation will share the findings of our study of unsheltered homelessness and the complex network of helping groups. We found that groups with closer interaction with homeless individuals demonstrated more concern for “people” over “place.” However, informal groups representing this empathic perspective were often excluded from mainstream decision-making. The Grassroots Advocacy Circle was created as a work group to enhance group solidarity, amplify their perspectives, and to facilitate greater group legitimacy and social action.


Session 13 // 60-minute Presentations – Friday, 15:00 to 16:00 (Madrid, GMT +2)

1 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Entornos Seguros y Protectores en instituciones y ámbitos domiciliarios. Modelo Safeguarding de Protección con adultos vulnerables o en riesgo
Isabel Gomez, CORU Ireland, Kilkenny (Ireland)
Cómo aumentar las competencias en la gestión de incidentes relacionados con la protección y el buen trato basados en el modelo de intervención anglosajón Safeguarding for Vulnerable Adults at Risk.

2 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Las prácticas de grupo alternativas y sensoriales para crear vínculos con personas con trastorno neurocognitivo en residencias de ancianos.
Grégory Ardiet, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Mont Laurier, QC (Canada)
Es posible conformar un grupo de otra manera, usando prácticas alternativas y sensoriales con el objetivo de alcanzar a ancianos con un trastorno neurocognitivo mayor en residencias de ancianos. Durante esta presentación interactiva, consideraremos la pertinencia y las posibilidades de intervenir en grupo con dichas personas. Después abordaremos juntos la manera de adaptar las etapas « usuales » de la intervención de grupo y presentaremos algunas competencias específicas que se podrían usar.

3 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM

The IASWG SPARC Program: Highlights and Inspiration from IASWG Members’ SPARC Projects to Advance Group Work Practice, Education and Research
Carol Cohen, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (USA)
Brian Kelly, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Maria Gurrola, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA (USA)
Hélène Onserud, IASWG New York Chapter, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
The IASWG launched the SPARC Program to "spark" members' innovative projects through endorsement and small grants. Join the IASWG SPARC Program Committee and SPARC Awardees for information and discussion of the application process, successes and challenges. Come hear how you can be part of this exciting program to expand group work practice, research and education.

4 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Bridging the Gap: A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Developing Group-Based Socially Engaged Mindfulness Curriculum for BSW Students
Gio Iacono, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Tyler Haggerty, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Vivien Roman-Hampton, Activated By Wellness, Amherst, MA (USA)
Lisa Werkmeister Rozas, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Caitlin Elsaesser, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Sadie MacDonald, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Paula Nieman, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA)
Rafay Qureshi, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (USA) 
Bringing mindfulness into social work education has the potential to support students’ capacity for social action. This presentation will highlight a participatory research project aimed at developing a group-based BSW curriculum that combines critical social work with socially engaged mindfulness (SEM). SEM can support critical consciousness, sustain social action, and be a tool in group workers’ pursuit of social justice. Attendees will be invited to explore the transformative potential of the group-based BSW SEM curriculum.

5 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM

(EN>ES) Meeting’s on the Rocks: Facilitating Mutual Aid during Challenging Moments in Meetings (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Sera Godfrey-Kaplan, Hope Ave Therapy, Waltham, MA (USA)
Adam Glick, Livewell Therapy Associates, Boston, MA (USA)
Tfawa Haynes, IASWG MA, Boston, MA (USA)
Crystal Carrington, Bay Cove Human Services, Private Practice, Jamaica Plain, MA (USA)
Rabiatu Orlandimeje, Hope Ave Therapy, Waltham, MA (USA)
Faith Perez, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA (USA)
Join the Massachusetts, U.S. Chapter Board for an engaging workshop on bringing mutual aid into meetings. You will view films of multiple role plays in diverse meeting settings. Watch as facilitators utilize process-based group therapy skills to navigate challenging moments that many of us have experienced in virtual and in-person meetings. Through the use of film, participants will have the opportunity to discuss how best to bring interpersonal connection into the meeting space.

6 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM

When the Facilitator Shares Vulnerability: The Impact on Member Cohesion
Jutta Hofmann-Powell, Private Practice, Fort Lauderdale, FL (USA)
Mark Smith, Private Practice, Black Mountain, NC (USA)

Training in group facilitation typically discourages facilitator disclosure in order to maintain the focus on the experiences of its members. This research challenges that assertion by exploring the experiences of seasoned facilitators when they shared their own vulnerability in the group. Several themes emerged suggesting this "use of self" created greater safety in the group and enhanced cohesion and membership. In addition, comparisons were made with in-person groups and on-line or virtual groups.

(EN>ES) The Joan K. Parry Memorial Plenary & Closing Ceremony – Friday, 16:15 to 17:30 (Madrid, GMT +2)

(EN>ES) Social Justice, Research, Mutual Aid, Mentorship and Poetry: A Celebration of the Enduring Impact of Charles Garvin, Andy Malekoff and Alex Gitterman
Carol S. Cohen, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Linda Ducca Cisneros, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Mark Macgowan, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Greg Tully, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Moderator: Barbara Muskat, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
In the past year IASWG and the group work community lost three extraordinary colleagues. This panel will speak to the contributions and legacy of Charles, Alex and Andy to the profession and to group workers personally.