Join or renew today. It has never been easier. You can sign up right now online.
Founded in 1979, the International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) is the premier international association for social workers and allied helping professionals engaged in group work. The purpose of this non-profit, member-driven organization is to promote excellence in group work practice, education, field instruction, research and publication. The goals of this Association are realized through a program of action and advocacy at both the local and international levels. Your membership supports our mission. The thousands of members that have joined with us over the years have both benefited by and enriched our association. We hope you join us too.
Revised Membership Fee Structure - January 1, 2021
The International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) stands for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Our organizational membership is truly international with members and chapters all around the world. We make our organization inclusive by a diversified membership fee structure that reflects the financial realities in the world. For that reason, a model was developed, using the classification system based on the world bank data and EU classifications, according to the 2019 Gross Domestic Product (GDP, US$ in Trillions) per capita and divided into five zones.

IASWG Membership Rates by Zone (starting January 1, 2021)
Zone 5 (orange): United States
- Professional Membership - $75.00
- Student Professionals, Unemployed, or Retired Membership - $37.00
Zone 4 (blue): All countries with a GDP of $40 and higher
- Professional Membership - $70.00
- Student Professionals, Unemployed, or Retired Membership - $35.00
Zone 3 (green): All countries with a GDP between $20 and $39
- Professional Membership - $35.00
- Student Professionals, Unemployed, or Retired Membership - $17.50
Zone 2 (yellow): All countries with a GDP between $10 and $19
- Professional Membership - $15.00
- Student Professionals, Unemployed, or Retired Membership - $7.50
Zone 1 (purple): All countries with a GDP less than $10
- Professional Membership - $5.00
- Student Professionals, Unemployed, or Retired Membership - $1.00
Membership Categories
Professionals - Social workers and allied helping professionals engaged in group work (practice, education, field instruction, research and publication, or related fields.
Student Professionals - Aspiring professionals within the first two years of their career, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, interested in pursuing the profession of group work and related fields.
- Supporting Members - Individuals interested in, or unemployed/retired from, engaging in social group work (practice, education, field instruction, research and publication) or related fields.
Membership Fees until December 31, 2020 (US dollars)
- Student, Unemployed, Retired (Canada) - $30
- Student, Unemployed, Retired (Lithuania) - $15
- Student, Unemployed, Retired (South Africa) - $5
- Student, Unemployed, Retired (Other Countries) - $35
To join or renew by mail:
We strongly encourage to join or renew online, but if you prefer to join or renew by mail (United States and Canada): Please download and complete the IASWG Membership Application and mail it in with payment to our mailing address.
Organizational Membership
The membership fee for Organizational Membership is $500.00 for large schools (15 or more social work faculty) and agencies (25 or more social work staff); and $250.00 for small schools (14 or fewer social work faculty) and agencies (24 or fewer social work staff). If you have any questions about the membership process, please email [email protected]. For your convenience, process your payment online.

IASWG members speak up about the benefits of membership:
- “The International Symposium has provided new knowledge, intellectual stimulation, and, above all, camaraderie and life-long friendships.” -Helen Northen, Seattle, Washington
- “I cannot imagine my life without a connection to IASWG, annual symposia, or group work practice.” -Student IASWG Member
- “(IASWG’s) membership, no matter how accomplished, is down-to-earth and represent everything that I envisioned social workers to be when I first entered the field. For me, (IASWG) has been an inspiration, a support, and a constant reminder of what it means to be a real social worker.” -Andrew Malekoff, Editor-Social Work with Groups, Long Island, New York
- "Die (IASWG) ermoeglicht es, Kontakte zu Groupworkern in aller Welt zu bekommen. Es begeistert mich zu erleben, wie viel wir in unserer Liebe zum Arbeiten mit Gruppen gemeinsam haben. Auf den jaehrlich stattfindenden Symposia wird der internationale "Geist des Groupwork" spuerbar lebendig." -- "(IASWG) facilitates connections with group workers around the world…. It is inspiring to see how much we have in common in our love for working with groups. At the annual symposia, the international "group work spirit" comes alive…” -Ingrun Masanek, Tagesgruppe Norden, Leinerstift e.V., Germany
- “The opportunity to travel to New York for the IASWG Symposium with classmates and to present in an internationally-recognized professional forum was an experience I have never had in undergraduate or my other graduate program.” -Student IASWG Member
- “For those with an interest in social work with groups, (IASWG’s) annual Symposia are a special treat. They are characterized by warmth, by a strong sense of community, and by shared interests and values.” -Roselle Kurland, Hunter College School of Social Work, New York
- "The networking and professional development opportunities accessible through (IASWG) are invaluable." -Lynne Mitchell, Mitchell McIntyre Associates, Canada
- “Becoming a member of IASWG and attending the conference has truly made me feel like that work I was doing was part of something bigger than just me. I feel connected to and supported by like-minded professionals; the organization feels like a good home for my professional career to flourish.” -Student IASWG Member
- "If you are working with social work groups or want to work with them this is the organization and these are the colleagues for you." -Lawrence Shulman, State University of New York at Buffalo
- "I recently accepted a new position at my current place of employment. One of the reasons that I was an attractive candidate was my involvement with IASWG... I look forward to reconnecting with the organization and the local chapter." -Zena Goldenberg, Illinois, USA
Join or renew today. It has never been easier. You can sign up right now online.