Call for Papers

Proceedings of the XXXVIII and XXXIX Annual Symposia of the

International Association for Social Work with Groups (New York 2016/2017)

Edited by: Christine Wilkins, Sari Skolnik and John Genke

The Local Planning Committee of the two IASWG Symposia in New York City, NY, USA (2016 and 2017) cordially invites all presenters at the Symposia to submit a paper for the symposium proceedings to be published later in 2017.  Papers may be based upon an institute, paper presentation, workshop presentation, or poster presentation at the New York Symposia. Papers based upon plenary and invitational presentations will also be accepted.  All papers must be related to the conference themes of diversity and spirituality in group work. Papers will be accepted in English and other languages.

Review Criteria:

All papers will be subject to a blind peer review process based upon the following criteria:

  • Relevance to Symposium Themes
    • 2016 Theme: Group Work Across the Globe: Building Transformative Connections
    • 2017 Theme: Group Work in Challenging Times: Creative Strategies for Facing Change
  • Scholarship - each paper must include relevant supportive references;
  • Clarity - papers must be clearly written and accessible to a wide variety of readers;
  • Technical Elements - paper uses consistent referencing style and formatting;
  • Practice focused - papers must offer an explicit practice focus of interest to group workers. Research or theoretically oriented papers must include a discussion of their implications and/or applications to group work practice.

Formatting requirements:

 Submission Guidelines: 

  • Stage 1: Please confirm your intention to submit a paper for publication by 31st May 2017 by completing this brief online interest form.
  • Stage 2: All papers will need to be submitted for the review process by 31st July 2017 to Christine Wilkins by email: [email protected].
    • Contributors must submit two copies of their papers, indicating whether the paper relates to the 2016 or the 2017 symposium.
      • One copy should include an author/title page which includes the names and organizational affiliation of each author.  One author must be identified as a corresponding author and include his/her contact information (telephone, email & mailing addresses).
      • The second copy should not include any identifying information and should include only the title and “review” in the file name.

For further information, please contact: Mark Doel at: [email protected].